My favorite vacation-South Africa
May 19th, 2015 3:33 pm     A+ | a-
I took a trip to South Africa in 2000.  It remains one of the best trips I've ever taken.  It's really far, so, not an easy place to visit, but, once there, it's like you're in a different world.  In Johannesburg we visited Soweto, where Nelson Mandela lived. It's basically a shanty town with over 4 million people.  Driving through the immense poverty and seeing the humble home where one of the greatest world leaders lived is inspiring. It reminds us that no matter where we're from we can make a difference in our world.
  (new friends in Capetown)

From there we took a short flight to go on a 3 night safari.  Our little camp was so lovely and rustic and we had a family of wart hogs that had little piglets that hung out at this little water hole.  We took daily safaris and saw elephants, giraffes, lions, water buffalo, rhinos, hippos and so much more.
It's amazing to turn the corner on the road and see a humongous elephant right there in the road.  Scary and exciting.  So beautiful and awe-inspiring.  After our safari we flew to Capetown and enjoyed another few days there during their 2nd Pride Festival.  Lots of gorgeous Africaans men.  Very friendly, very fun little clubs.  Also, we took a drive through the wine country and ate at a Game restaurant and had Kudu and other exotic meats you can't get anywhere but in Africa.  
They have penguins in Capetown, too. Who knew??  Such great memories. I look forward to going back to Africa some day.  
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